<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">The Siberian jungle cat is referred to as the Siberian cat. The earliest written records related to this cat appeared in the 11th century. They are very common and rare cats in Russian markets and rural Siberia. Because Siberian cats live in countries with harsh natural environments, their entire bodies are covered in long coats, and even their necks have a thick collar of fur. Their outer layer of protective hair is hard, smooth and oily, and the lower layer of hair is deep and rich, allowing them to protect themselves from the cold in Siberia.

Siberian cats
<p style="font-family:"times new roman" ;font-size:medium;">
Shape characteristics<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Body shape <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">A very large and compact figure, strong and heavy. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Body sinking<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font- size:medium;">4.5 to 9 kg. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Head<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font- size:medium;">The head is average in size, wide and triangular in shape, with an arc-shaped surface, a flat top of the head, a slightly convex forehead, and flat cheeks.Prominent and rounded muzzle. The head is more rounded than the Norwegian Jungle Cat. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Ears<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size :medium;">Excessively wide, with rounded tips. The hair on the back of the ear is short and the hair on the inside of the ear is long. Lynx tip is better. The eyes are large and almost round. Large spacing. Askew slightly. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Eye<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size :medium;">Traditional eye colors of adult cats are: green to yellow, while the eyes of heavy-colored Siberian cats are blue. There is no connection between eye color and coat color. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Nose<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size :medium;">The nose is partially wide between the eyes, and becomes smaller and slightly hook-shaped when closing toward the tip of the nose. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Chin<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size :medium;">The chin is round. Long, thick mustache pads. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Hands and feet<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size :medium;">The neck is excessively long, round, thick and muscular. The body is compact and excessively long. The back is long and slightly convex. The chest is round. Bones are healthy and muscles thrive. The hind legs are slightly ahead of the front legs. Bones are heavy. The muscles are very developed. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">The soles of the feet<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">The claws are large and round, with hair between the toes. All but one toe are breakable. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Tail<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size :medium;">The tail is too long, broad at the base, and covered with abundant hair. thick. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Coat<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font- size:medium;">Semi-long to long, plush, thick, waterproof, and effective in winter protection. Crisp and hard guard hair. The hair on the abdomen is long, and the hair on the shoulders and chest is shorter. The collar hair is long and abundant. Rich undercoat. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Coat color<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size :medium;">The traditional color is golden tabby color. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Nature<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size :medium;">He has a peaceful and approachable nature and is very charming. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">
Livelihood Customs<p style="font-family:" times new roman";font-size:medium;">These giant cats appear calm and dignifiedforce. They are also quite lively. Even very lively. Although it has a strong personality, it is very friendly to other cats. They are playful and enjoy getting along with children. Rich in emotions, they are very nostalgic for their owners. The sound is gentle. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">
Origin of resume<p style="font-family:" Times new roman";font-size:medium;">recorded experience shows that Siberian species have appeared for at least a thousand years. The first mention of them was in Harrison Weir's book "Our Cats" and information about them, the earliest record of which appeared in England in 1871. Siberian cats were first sold to other countries in 1990. He is a candidate for great popularity among breeders. Siberian cats are semi-longhaired cats with a rich coat in winter. In summer it is allowed to be slightly shorter, without too much bunching of coat. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">In 1987, MUSSA, a female cat with red and white patterns, and TIMA, a male cat, were purchased and worn. Berlin. HANS and BETTISCHUZ bred the first generation of Siberian cats in their NEWSKI cat house. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Since 1991, the Siberian cat breed has been established in France. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Received FIFe confession in 1887. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">In 1990, ELIZABETHTERRELL introduced the first batch of this cat to his American STARPOINT cat house. TICA recognized the species and published the standard for the species in 1998. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Cultivation On July 28, 2012, Russian leader Vladimir Putin met with the visiting Japanese fur genie in Sochi. Ichiro Yeguang thanked Nihara for gifting Akita dogs and promised to give them back.A Siberian cat.
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